Monday, 27 February 2012

Dingle through the eyes of a lens!

Its pretty amazing when you live in the same place all your life and still get blowin away with the scenery it has got to offer. Dingle at the best of times is grey and wet and can get fairly depressing in the winter, but on the days the sun shines you couldn't be in a better place! Everyone gets out and about and makes the most of the day when the sun shines!.. Im lucky that i have my surfing as a hobbie as i can go out in all weather conditions so its all good all year around for me! Dingle is great too when we get gale force winds and massive storms and swells crashing against our west coast, its pretty awesome that you can be so close to the fury of the sea and just watch from the comfort of your car for hours on end taking photos! :) So here are some varied photos that i hope you like of Dingle!

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